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  • Writer's pictureKara Squire

Songs about Stars

I’m a real nerd when it comes to the night sky. Laying in the grass while looking up at Milky Way confounds me. On top of that, the stars make for wonderful metaphors.

I use to walk around my small college town at night (it sounds like a very stupid idea but it was a heavily Christian-populated area and I’m not that attractive so I was fine). There was an abandon school that still had a grass field from where the students would play. I would lay down and look at the sky. My favorite constellation is Orion’s Belt. It’s easy to find in the winter sky. I love the story behind it. It’s a bit sad but I still love the symbolism of memorializing the dead in the stars. So I would find Orion’s Belt and blast sad music. I can be a bit dramatic when I’m really feeling the sadness. Sometimes I would pray and other times I would just look at the stars.

If I could write a song about the comfort the stars have always given me it would be the song “Stars Still Stay the Same” by Justine and Kerry Dorsey. It just relates the sentiment that I’ve always felt. The stars are my friends.

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